Online Donations
Online Donation Form
Ways you can donate:
Mail a check to PO Box 38, New Ipswich, NH 03071
Text-to-Give Platform (See below for instructions)
Online Donation Form Above
Text - (833) 427-2373
To get set up, text the word Give to the above number. You will then receive a link to set up an account and make your first text donation.
For subsequent one-time donations, you can simply text the number of dollars you would like to give (no dollar sign required)
Example: 100
To set up a recurring donation via text, you can text an amount and a schedule
Example: 500 Monthly, 100 Bimonthly, 50 Weekly
To cancel an automatic recurring donation, text Cancel Auto
To cover the processing fees of one transaction, add the word cover
Text Cover fees on to cover processing fees on ALL text gifts.
Text Cover fees off to stop covering processing fees on all text gifts.
Text the word Card to add a new payment method
Text the word Refund to refund your most recent transaction.
Text Options to see this list of options.
If you have any questions, please ask Garrett Traffie for help.